dimecres, 11 de juliol del 2007

Kramer's Daily Routine


1. Who's Kramer

2. What do you expect his daily routine will be like?

Try to complete the following text before watching the video.

Kramer ................... the fridge

.................... some juice.

Spelt the juice on the .............

Cleaned the mess with a .................

Put off a fire using tap .................... and a long hoose.

Tried to mend the ..................

Shouted at people ......................

His flatmate complained because .............................

Els alumnes completen les frases després de veure el vídeo.

Una altra possibilitat és: la meitat de la classe veu el vídeo i explica el que ha vist a l'altra meitat. Els que no havien vist el vídeo completen les frases